

家庭用ゲームと違い、PCゲームはダウンロード販売が中心です。 「PUBG」を買えるサイトは「Steam(スチーム)」、「DMM」の2つがあります。 ゲーム内容の違いはありませんが、アップデートのタイミングに差が出る可能性があります。 Jul 07, 2020 · The official PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS designed exclusively for mobile. Play free anywhere, anytime. PUBG MOBILE delivers the most intense free-to-play multiplayer action on mobile. Drop in, gear up, and compete. Survive epic 100-player classic battles, payload mode and fast-paced 4v4 team deathmatch and zombie modes. Survival is key and the last one standing wins. When duty calls, fire at パッチノート #7.3. プレイヤーの皆さん、こんにちは。 アップデート7.3へようこそ! 今回のアップデートでの変更点は、車両のサバイバル性向上、PUBGでの新しい投擲武器、パラシュートフォロー機能の復活、その他PUBG Continental Series などに焦点を当てています。 About PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) As a Battle Royale game, you will experience a lot of challenges like you haven’t done it before.All players will be dropped into a strange open area where they have to battle against each other for the ultimate survival. Apr 16, 2020 · PUBG Lite is a free-to-play adaptation of PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS, allowing those with less access to high end hardware to enjoy the same thrilling situations and intense gunplay PUBG fans around the world have come to love. PUBG PC Game. PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS game is available on Steam. Add the full release to your cart and get ready to take part in a crazy online multiplayer shooter based on Battle Royale genre. PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS is a last-man-standing shooter being developed with community feedback. Players must fight to locate weapons and supplies in a massive 8x8 km island to be the lone survivor. This is Battle Royale.


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Jul 07, 2020 · The official PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS designed exclusively for mobile. Play free anywhere, anytime. PUBG MOBILE delivers the most intense free-to-play multiplayer action on mobile. Drop in, gear up, and compete. Survive epic 100-player classic battles, payload mode and fast-paced 4v4 team deathmatch and zombie modes. Survival is key and the last one standing wins. When duty calls, fire at

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